Saturday 8 June 2013

Birds' Eye View 7/06/13

Friday and a reluctant half day at work. I ate my sandwiches and considered my options. Rather than launch into an involved afternoon's work I put it off till Monday and went home early. After a bit of unpacking, morally; spiritually; psychologically; I went for a run in Holyrood. I was feeling a bit below par and only just realised it was the race and the long run of the last 2 days that had left me tired. It was another delightful evening and the small slow run I had in mind rolled out without much of note. Except I took the camera and had a welcome stop here and there. I did little more than hit the summit, then loop round over Crow and Whinny Hills. The views up the Forth were hazy and after taking a couple of photos towards the bridges I dodged down to St Margaret's Loch. On the way I tried that thing: to photograph my shadow detached from my jumping body. It filled the descent and my head and I found myself following a different route I'd never been on before.

Down at the loch the birds were acting up as ever. I knew it was a bit of a cheap shot to catch the birds there, as punters threw them bread. However, in the evening light they can look amazing even though they are commonplace pigeons, swans and gulls. I hung around for a bit then jogged home feeling tired. I was trying not to expend the energy I would require for Traprain Law Hill Race the following afternoon, hoping that a poor training run is (as often is the case) followed by a good race.

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